Adapting to a Changing World
In a time of political upheaval in the Middle East, and changing world economic order, Lebanon needs to adapt both its foreign and economic policies.
Tapping Lebanon’s Diaspora to Grow Lebanon’s Economy
A comprehensive strategy to encourage Lebanese emigrants to further help grow Lebanon’s economy.
How Lebanon could raise $1 billion per year
Tapping into patriotism could make diaspora bonds work. A 360 analysis of Diaspora Bonds for Lebanon and next steps to implement them.
Increasing Investments: Diaspora Bonds for Lebanon
One way to increase investments in Lebanon is by introducing Diaspora Bonds. Lebanon could raise on average more than $1 billion a year.
Developing Lebanon’s Industries
Using a new Harvard & MIT tool to identify new potential industries that Lebanon can successfully develop, and create thousands of new jobs.
Expanding Lebanon’s IT Sector
Lebanon’s IT sector currently underperforms its full potential. Proposing a new strategy to develop Lebanon’s IT sector and create thousands of new jobs.
Lebanon has to adapt to global trends
Lebanon’s economic outlook can be improved regardless of political uncertainty. Incorporating long term planning and leveraging global trends is one potential approach.
Now is the time for a bold approach to Arab economic reform
Economic co-operation could be the way out for Lebanon and the Middle East. Georges Sassine’s article in the Financial Times.
How can Lebanon turn things around
Changing Lebanon’s political narrative from a geopolitics first to an economics first focus. Georges Sassine’s article for CNN.